Mechanical Engineering
3 D printing Machine was installed in Research and Innovation Lab. Demonstration of the machine was conducted 17 th March 2022 in Mechanical Engineering Seminar Hall at 11 Am in the presence of Dr. A.G Nataraj, Principal, APS College of Engineering, Dr.Haressh A, HOD, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Dr. Kumar BID, HOD, Dept,. of Information Science Engineering, and Dr. S. T kumar, HOD, Basic Science Department.
Mr. Rohan Raghunanda CEO, M/s Addere Creations Pvt., Ltd, presented demonstration to students of final year engineering regarding 3D scanning, Printing and Designing. He also explained regarding projects that will defiantly involving in Innovative work in applications of Medicine, Automobile, PCB Manufacturing. Student interacted orientation programme with valuable questionnaires .
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) day was celebrated in the college on 29/04/2022 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with AICTE. The resource person Dr. A Ramprasad, Faulty,(Dept, of Mechanical Engineering), Jain University presented talk on importance of Intellectual Property Rights and importance of Patents for Engineering Colleges.
The resource person Dr. A Ramprasad, Faculty,(Dept, of Mechanical Engineering), Jain University presented talk on importance of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents for Engineering Colleges to Faculties and Students of APS College of Engineering.
Orientation programme on Electric Vehicle (EV) on the occasion of World Environment day was conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering on 02/06/2022 in association with Volta Automotive Pvt., Ltd. Bangalore. Students and faculties of all branch participated in the event. Establishment of Centre of Excellence and Training Centre in EV was later discussed in the meeting.
Image shows presence of Dr. A.G Nataraj, Principal, APS College of Engineering along with Shri. Giridhara Rao, MD, Volta Automotive Pvt., Ltd., Bangalore.
Seminar conducted on “ Career opportunities in Automobile Sector” in association with Surkhsha Academy, Bangalore on 31/05/2022. Seminar focused on Career opportunities as Service Engineer, Sales Manager and Technical Head. Students of 6th and 8th semester were participated in the event.
Image shows seminar presentation by Shri. Dhavak Kumar and Shri. Srinivas Murthy, Head Suraksha Academy Bangalore.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering started in the year 2010 with an intake of 60 students. Department has an intake of 30 students.(2023-24).The discipline constitutes both a theoretical and practical approach with perfect management skills. The department has well-qualified faculties having vast experience in both teaching and industry. The department has library facilities with more number of journals. Many of the staff members have represented conferences seminars & workshops at various colleges. Many of the guest lectures are held in the department to improve the methods of teaching for both students & staff. The Department also has a Research Center recognized by VTU.
- Department has consistently secured its position as one among toppers in University Examination.
- Department of ME is the only department in college which has more Ph.D. Candidates.
- Department has launched a different systematic & scientific technical forum with providing awareness among the students.
- Mr. Jithendra, ME has won a 1st prize(Gold Medal) in the VTU Intercollegiate single-zone Athletics Competitions.
What Mechanical Engineering is all about?
Answer. Mechanical engineers design power-producing machines, such as internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as power-using machines, such as refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Mechanical engineers design other machines inside buildings, such as elevators and escalators.
Why is Mechanical Engineering important?
Answer. Mechanical engineers are involved with the design, analysis, testing, manufacturing, control, operation, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Therefore, Mechanical Engineering is Important as It deals with all aspects of the conversion of thermal energy into useful work and the machines that make this possible.
Are Mechanical Engineers in demand?
Answer. As per the latest survey, employment of mechanical engineers is projected to grow 10 percent from 2018 to 2025 (and it is expected to grow further for the decades to come), which is as fast as the average for all occupations. Mechanical engineers will also remain involved in various manufacturing industries, particularly in automotive manufacturing.
What are the best jobs for Mechanical Engineers?
Architectural and Engineering Managers.
Materials Engineers.
Mechanical Engineering Technicians.
Nuclear Engineers.
Petroleum Engineers.
Sales Engineers.
Automobile Engineers.
Project Managers. Etc. -
What are the Job-oriented Courses after Mechanical Engineering?
Piping Design and Engineering Course.
Master of Engineering in Tool Design.
Robotics Course.
Mechatronics Course.
Masters in Business Administration. Etc.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
After successful completion of B.E. program in Mechanical Engineering, the graduates will be able to :
PSO 1: Develop and implement new ideas on product design and development with the help of modern computer aided tools while ensuring best manufacturing practices.
PSO 2: Apply Engineering knowledge and design & analysis tools to solve problems in the domains of structural, thermal and fluid mechanics.
PSO 3: Engage professionally in industries or as an entrepreneur by applying manufacturing and management practices.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) specialized in Mechanical Engineering is designed to achieve the following objectives after four to five years of graduation. They will be able to:
PEO 1: Apply/improve their knowledge in basic sciences for excelling in various disciplines of Mechanical Engineering with the emphasis on Design, Thermal and Manufacturing.
PEO 2: Enhance professional practice to meet the global standards with ethical and societal responsibility.
PEO 3: Solve industrial, social and environmental problems with modern engineering tools.
PEO 4: Develop skills to work in teams, think intellectually and pursue life-long learning.
To be recognized internationally for quality and research in mechanical engineering with excellence in the field of design, manufacturing, thermal science and industrial management
To prepare professionally competent mechanical engineers by developing analytical and research abilities, encouraging culture of continuous learning and by adopting new technologies to solve complex problems.
Teaching Faculty
Sl. No. | Name |
1 |
![]() Dr. A Hareesh Head of the Department B E, M.Tech (Thermal Engineering) 17+ Years of Experience Profile |
2 |
![]() MS. Anupama b S B E, M.Tech (CIM) Assistant Professor 11+ Years of Experience Profile |
3 |
![]() Dr. Sathyabodh M Raichur B E,M.Tech, Ph.D (Machine Design) Assistant Professor 10+ Years of Experience Profile |
4 |
![]() Dr. Ravi Kumar R B E,M.Tech (Product Design) Assistant. Professor 7+ Years of Experience Profile |
5 |
![]() Dr. BOMMANNA K B E,M.Tech (Machine Design) Assistant. Professor 11+ Years of Experience Profile |
Metrology and Measurement Lab

This lab contains LVDT, Sine Bar, Mechanical Comparator,
Thermocouple, Strain gauges, Slip gauges, Tool makers microscope,
Gear tooth vernier calliper. The importance of precision in
measurement is taught to students in this laboratory. The
instruments are kept under well maintained conditions.
Machine Shop
This laboratory is the heart of the Mechanical Department .This is
equipped with Lathe Machines, Shaping Machine, Milling Machine,
Grinding Machine, Center Lathe, Power Hacksaw Machine, Air
Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab
Computer with 3G Ram and LCD Monitor, LED Printer with
Scanner, UPS, System Software, Application Software.
Metallography And Material Testing Lab
For finding the material strength and other properties this
laboratory is equipped with machines like 100 Ton UTM, Torsion
Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Hardness Testing
Machine, Fatigue Machine, Wear Machine, Microscope,
Grinder/Polisher Machine, Electronic Weighing Machine, NDT
Machine, Heat-treatment Furnace.
Foundry And Forging Lab
This lab has STM Machine, Permeability Testing Machine, Mould & Core Hardness
Tester, Sieve Analyser, Clay Content Tester, Coal fired Furnace, Electrical heating
Oven, Molding Boxes, Anvil, Swage Block, Rammer and other hand tools. Preparation
Fluid Mechanics & Turbo Machines Laboratory
This lab has been equipped with Water Turbines like (Pelton wheel,
Francis & Kaplan Turbine) Water Pumps, Air Blowers, Reciprocating Air
Compressors, Impact of Jet on Vanes, Co-efficient of Friction in Pipes,
Minor losses in pipes, Flow Measuring Devices like Orifice meter,
Venturimeter, Nozzle & Notches
Heat & Mass Transfer Laboratory
This lab is equipped with Transient conduction, Natural and forced
convection, Emissivity, Metal Rod. Stefan Boltzmann’s Apparatus, Heat
exchanger, Critical flux, Vapour compression and Air conditioning
Apparatus have been added.
Computer Aided Modeling &Analysis
Computer with 4GB Ram, Analysis software- Ansys are present
for the use of students.
Design Laboratory
Governors testing rig, Bearing Test Rigs, Balancing Machines,
Photo elasticity test rig, whirling of shaft testing rig, strain gauges,
Gyroscope testing machine, Vibration testing rig.
CIM & Automation Laboratory
system equipped with NC software.
Projects/Funds and Grants