Computer Science & Engneering
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The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established in the year 1997 right from the inception of the institution with an objective of imparting quality technical education in IT field. The department offers B E Digree in CSE with an intake of 120 students. The department houses state of the art laboratories, boasts of well trained, committed and experienced teaching faculty who emphasize the theoretical and practical applications of computation and computer systems to the needs of the society using advanced pedagogic methodologies.
To be in the frontier of Computer Science and Engineering and to produce globally competent graduates with moral values committed to build vibrant nation.
M1> To impart quality technical education with an emphasis on basic principles of computer science and engineering. M2> To produce successful graduates with personal and professional responsibilities and commitment towards lifelong learning. M3> To impart moral and ethical values to students and uplift innovative research in Computer Science to serve the needs of Industry and Society.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
At the end of the program, the graduate will be able to:
PSO 1: Understand, analyze develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, system software, multimedia, web design, big data analytics, machine learning and networking for efficient design of computer based systems of varying complexity.
PSO 2: Understand the evolutionary changes in computing, apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using open-ended programming environments to deliver a quality product for business success, real world problems and meet the challenges of the future.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) program specialized in Computer Science and Engineering is designed to achieve the following objectives after four to five years of graduation. They will be able to:
PEO 1: Impart strong foundation in basic sciences, mathematics and engineering fundamentals, knowledge and capability.
PEO 2: Comprehend and provide in depth knowledge to design and develop novel products and innovative solution for real life problems in Computer Science and Engineering field and related domains.
PEO 3: Inculcate a conviction to believe in self, impart professional and ethical attitude, nurture to be an effective team member, infuse leadership qualities, build proficiency in soft skills and the abilities to relate engineering with the societal issues.
PEO 4: Impart exhaustive knowledge of computer science and engineering to take up key assignments in industry, undertake and excel in higher studies and Research & Development in computer science, related engineering fields and management.
Teaching Faculty
Technical staff

Mr. Mukunda B S

Mr. Manjunath M
Asst. Instructor

Mrs. Savitha M
Schemeof Teaching and Examinations2021. Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
CSE Under Graduate 1st & 2nd Semester
2022 Sheme
CSE Under Graduate 3rd to 8th Semester
2021 Sheme
2022 Sheme
The Major Lab are:
Department Computers Laboratory
- LAB 1 - AI & ML/C G LABS

The department has aesthetically designed, practically architectured airy classrooms and laboratories for students and staff rooms for faculty and administration efficiency with internet enabled systems.Laboratories are equipped with more than 120 computers. Faculty uses state of the art audio and visual aids to ensure better content delivery and facilitates greater student interaction. The department has a collection of around 216 titles and 05 volumes. The department has a collection of around 650 books.

The department has its own library aims to support the students and faculty by providing most relevant and required books. Our department has full potential to conduct and organize International conferences. So far department conducted International conferences such as ICIOT-2016 and CONSEG -2018, for these technical experts and well-known speakers were invited from abroad and Multinational companies.

Department Library
- Available Volumes – 667
- Available Titles – 436
- Question Papers.
- Project Reports.
- Technical Seminar Report.
- Internship Report.
- Lab Manuals.
- Borrowing & Reference for Students & Staff.
MOU with Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology(KSCST)
Department has a research centre under which many research scholars registered their names and pursuing their Ph.D. Department has MOU with corporate like ICT academy for research, training and for technical work shops. Technical workshops & seminars are regularly conducting in the department for both faculty and students to fulfill the requirements of the Industry. Bridge courses are conducting for our students during vacation to fill the gap between Institution and Industry with respect to high growth in technology. Department is supported by high speed Ethernet and wireless networks. All PCs are LAN connected. Department has student CSI chapter membership and encourages the students to participate in Curricular activities to excel their talent. Our students do participate in sports events conducted by V.T.U and other universities/colleges. Department has student association forum “SKILLBYTES” which provides the better platform to our students to showcase their talents both in technical and extracurricular activities. Our students are being placed in various multinational companies with good salary packages vary from 4 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs per annum.
Projects/Funds and Grants
Vision Group on Science & Technology (VGST) Govt. of Karnataka has sanctioned a grant of Rs.20 lakhs to Dr. Anirban Basu, CSE Dept. under the K-FIST(Level 1) scheme. Most of our faculties have presented papers at National and International conferences/journals. Ms. Ashwini P B(1AP14CS011) secured 11th Rank in 2nd Semester VTU B.E Examination June/July-2015 and scored 100 out 100 in Engineering Mathematics-II
Funds and Grants Received
Sl. No. | Year of Sanction | Amount / Fund Received in Rupees | Name of Funding Agency |
1 | 2022-23 | 10,500 | KSCST |
2 | 2021-22 | 12,000 | KSCST |
3 | 2020-21 | 8,500 | KSCST |
4 | 2019-20 | 4,000 | VTU |
5 | 2015-16 | 20,0000 | VGST |
Research / Publications
Course Materials
3rd Semester
5th Semester